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Se afișează postările cu eticheta Alchemy. Afișați toate postările

sâmbătă, 26 iunie 2010

Alchemy Mini-review

Alchemy - mini-review

 Folosesc acest program de o scurta perioada de timp , dar am observat de la primele utilizari ca potentialul acestuia este foarte mare , cred ca cel mai bine se poate descrie ca un brainstorming vizual , mai mult pentru definirea unui concept , pentru schitarea unor idei  , se pot schita foarte rapid orice forme , daca aveti ceva in minte in legatura cu subiectul respectiv , o anume idee , interfata este foarte intuitiva si dispune de foarte multe optiuni interesante . Utilizez o tableta grafica Wacom , asa ca mi-e mult mai usor , dar si cu un mouse se pot schita rapid forme interesante !

Optiunea Oglinda/Mirror imi place cel mai mult , practic dupa ce a fost selectata incepe adevarata distractie , in acest fel ideile nu intarzie sa apara , de primele dati cand am inceput sa folosesc acest program , am realizat forme rapide la care nici nu m-as fi gandit , combinate apar tot felul de idei , de referinte pentru lucrari interesante ! Cu ajutorul acestui soft am creeat foarte multe personaje intr-un timp relativ scurt , personaje ce asteapta cuminti pe HDD pentru as gasi locul in compozitii , randari , modelari etc.  

Cateva setari pe care le folosesc cel mai des : Bara principala Style - line sau solid shapes - solid shapes , butonul Create - Shapes sau Pressure Shapes , din butonul Affect - Mirror sau Gradient !Restul optiunilor raman la setarile initiale , exista o multime de posibilitati interesante , va las sa le descoperiti singuri :)

Am postat trei imagini cu cateva din multele schite pe care le-am realizat in acest program , usor de instalat , si mai usor de invatat , un ajutor foarte bun pentru orice artist care doreste sa dea viata  ideilor sale intr-un mod cat mai placut:) Vi-l recomand cu toata caldura !Sper ca acest mini-review , primul de altfel , sa va fie de un real ajutor ! A si sa nu uit :) unul din aspectele sale importante - este gratuit ! Spor si la cat mai multe creatii ! 

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Alchemy - Mini-review

 I've used this program for a short time, but I noticed at first use as its creative potential is very high, as best I can describe it as a visual brainstorming ,it is more to define a concept , for designing ideas , you are able to quickly sketch any shape, if you have in mind something about the subject, a certain idea, the interface is very intuitive and has many interesting options. I use a Wacom tablet , so I'm work much easier&faster , but with a mouse you can quickly sketch interesting shapes !

Option Mirror / Mirror I like the most, after you select this option the real fun begins , then ideas come to life , the first time when I've started using this program , after a short time I realized that I was making interesting forms quickly without any idea of a particular subject , this forms combined gave life to many kinds of ideas, references to interesting work! With this software I created so many characters in a short time, those characters are waiting quietly on my HDD waiting to take their place in compositions, rendering, modeling, etc.. 

Some settings I use often: Home Style Bar - line or solid shapes - solid shapes,  Create button - Pressure Shapes and Shapes , Affect button - Gradient or Mirror! The rest of the options remain at default , there are plenty of interesting options , I will let you discover them yourself:)

I posted three pictures of some of the many sketches that I have made with this program - easy to install, and easy to learn, a great help to any artist who wants to give life to his ideas in a way more pleasant :) I recommend it , I hope that this mini-review, the first in fact, it will be of a real help! A , I almost forget:) one of its important aspects - it's free!Good luck to all and gain as many creations!

Download Alchemy here